1st Talk

What Can WatchDogs Teach Us About Cyber Security?


Nick Drage (@SonOfSunTzu)


Note: this talk was postponed due to technical to November

Watch_Dogs is an Ubisoft video game, released in 2014, set in a fictionalised Chicago where a central network of computers connects everyone and everything using ctOS, the Central Operating System. You play as Aiden Pearce, ““a brilliant hacker and former thug””, manipulating ctOS to your own ends from your smartphone, the game combines an open world single player mode with an “always-on” feature whereby your current session may be invaded by another online player at any time and without your consent or knowledge.

The way the game was and is promoted, designed, coded, updated, administered, and played provides numerous illustrations of the challenges within Information Security that we all face in one way or another. In this talk I’ll take you, Inception like, through the different levels of understanding the game and what it can teach us about those challenges - all the way in to the point of view of the main protagonist, all the way out to the viewpoint of the online gamer, stopping off at Smart Cities, Security Analytics, and the value of Metadata along the way.

2nd Talk


To be determined.